User monitoring
Get reports in real time
about the activities carried out by their employees.
Solution that provides total visibility over the desktop activities of employees, through different information systems, applications and processes.
It also allows leaders and operations managers to discover hidden capacity throughout the life cycle of tasks or activities.
Registre el tiempo productivo, pausas, activas, descansos, capacitaciones y diferentes estados.
Realice seguimiento y análisis a cada tarea asignada durante todo su ciclo.
Analiza, captura y consolida aplicaciones de escritorio, agrupándolas entre productivas y no productivas.
Use los resultados de los informes para mejorar y alcanzar los objetivos de su negocio.
Obtenga toda la información acerca de la productividad de sus colaboradores y el uso del tiempo laboral.
Descubra la capacidad oculta, a lo largo del ciclo de vida de las tareas o actividades típicas, ejecutadas por los agentes.
time measurement
Organizations of all sizes use time and attendance modules to record when employees start and finish their daily work.
Get all the information in real time, it's so versatile That allows him to size register the adherence to the shift of the employees, as well as the different states:
Time connected, percentage of productive applications, time spent in the application, average time per application, open applications in the day, average keys per minute, executable you are in, window you are working in, plus a photo update of your screen and your web cam.
Better distribute the workload.
The Backofbox discreetly takes photos at the time of registration (login).
It gives team leaders additional visibility into activities taking place away from the desk and a highly accurate view of what each agent is doing.
It shows historical productivity to project the evolution of the workforce and make better decisions, it also allows operations distributed in different branches to know how employees spend their time.
It allows to measure and control the adherence of the agents to the work schedule
App Analytics
Many companies have little or no visibility into the activities and applications used by backoffice employees. and require optimization of their business processes.
The analysis module desktop applications in a backoffice, captures and consolidates and groups the productive and non-productive activities, delivering individual and group performance indicators.
It also provides complete information on the applications that your employees have accessed daily, including the files which they have accessed.
It also allows you to select any application and enter to do a more in-depth monitoring, counting on the timeline of the application and take a picture of the screen in case of any mouse or screen movement.
Muestra cómo y cuándo los agentes utilizan las diversas aplicaciones.
Permite identificar y registrar el uso de aplicaciones improductivas, y visualizar los tiempos ociosos de los empleados.
Correlación entre las tareas asignadas y las aplicaciones utilizadas para completar el trabajo.
Visibilidad del ciclo de vida de las tareas de BackOffice.
Captura inteligente de almacenamiento de imágenes del escritorio del
agente, sólo cuando hay movimiento de teclado o de mouse.
Muestra el tiempo promedio de uso de aplicaciones productivas.
Habilita la identificación de ineficiencias del proceso durante el ciclo de vida de cada tarea.
Aumenta la visibilidad del proceso y consolida la información en un único panel de control.
Contiene un tablero unificado de visualización en tiempo real.
Da el número total de aplicaciones utilizadas en un periodo de tiempo
Medir, mejorar y cumplir los acuerdos operativos.
Descubrir la capacidad oculta de una operación.
Identifica improductividad al validar si los agentes están cambiando
constantemente o switcheando entre aplicaciones para cumplir su tarea.
Cantidad de teclas presionadas por minuto. y tiempo promedio por aplicación
Focalizar esfuerzos de automatización de flujos de trabajo.
Mejora la experiencia del cliente al incrementar la productividad del personal que opera el proceso.
Companies with high quality standards, they adopt continuous improvement as a tool to achieve business objectives.
this solution It allows monitoring, recording and analysis of each type of task, correlating the applications used during the life cycle of the tasks. The system has multiple exportable reports where you can obtain all the information on the times and productivity of the employees.
When selecting a report, you will be able to access the tables with all the information, also complemented with graphs. These reports are exportable in Excel and PDF.